Iconographic Engravings – The Fine Arts (1851) European sailing ships and potentially Asian or Middle Eastern boats with unique rigging and sails
Iconographic Engravings – The Fine Arts (1851) European sailing ships and potentially Asian or Middle Eastern boats with unique rigging and sails
This print depicts various types of historical ships and boats, illustrated in a detailed, classical style that suggests it may be from a 19th-century maritime or naval reference book. The variety of vessels shown—including European sailing ships and potentially Asian or Middle Eastern boats with unique rigging and sails—reflects a study of international maritime technology.
Identification and Context
The plate is labeled "Taf. 6" (meaning Plate 6 in German) and features different types of ships, likely used for both commercial and possibly military purposes. The style and arrangement suggest this could be from an illustrated encyclopedia or an atlas focused on world cultures or maritime history. Maritime prints like this were common in books intended to document global sea vessels, often used by sailors, merchants, or scholars.